

Winter Weather Advisories, wind and snow for Friday

and last updated

A Winter Weather Advisory has been issued for Gallatin, Madison, and Beaverhead Counties above 6500 feet as well as the Bitteroot and Sapphire Mountains. Gusty wind and snow accumulations up to 6”-10” are possible. Blowing and drifting snow will be an issue for the region. We will have slippery conditions over mountain passes.

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Today's Forecast:
Gusty wind and snow showers are likely as we move into the afternoon is southwest Montana. The heaviest snowfall is expected in the mountains with light accumulation less than an inch is expected for valley floors. Sustained winds will stay in the 15-30 mph range with wind-prone areas receiving gusts up to 65 mph in some cases.

BOZEMAN: High: 38; Low: 19. Temperatures will be slightly warmer today with gusty winds and a few late-day and evening snow showers. Accumulation is expected to be minimal in the valleys with 1”-2” possible in foothills.

BUTTE: High: 36; Low: 17. Chilly and windy with winds staying in the 10-20 mph range with gusts approaching 30 mph at times. Snow showers are possible for the afternoon with accumulations expected to be less than 1”.

DILLON: High: 35; Low: 18. Chilly with a west wind gusting near 40 mph during the afternoon and evening. Snow is expected to be light with accumulations less than 1” through Saturday morning.

WEST YELLOWSTONE: High: 30; Low: 14. Scattered snow showers are expected with gusty winds. Accumulations wills stay between 2”-4” inches through early Saturday morning.