Today's Forecast:
Temperatures will once again push the 90 degree mark for most of the area. With highs in the upper 80s and lower 90s you should expect to see a few clouds for the afternoon with isolated mountain thunderstorms possible. Overnight temperatures will hover in the 50s tonight with a thin veil of clouds in place for the evening.
BOZEMAN: High: 89; Low: 56. Sunny and hot with afternoon clouds building tonight.
BUTTE: High: 87; Low: 53 Light wind and sunshine with warm temperatures for the afternoon. Look for passing clouds late in the afternoon and evening.
DILLON: High: 88; Low: 54. Sunny and hot with dry conditions most of the day. There is a slim chance of a passing shower or thunderstorm.
WEST YELLOWSTONE: High: 86; Low: 45. Temperatures will warm quickly today with a slight chance of a mountain shower or thunderstorm for the afternoon.
A cold front will move through the region on Thursday. It will bring a chance of scattered showers and thunderstorms for Thursday afternoon and evening as well as cooler air for the rest of the week. Temperatures are expected to fall from near 90° to the middle and lower 70s as we get closer to the weekend.