

Snow and cold returns next week


BOZEMAN – A quiet weather pattern should be locked into place over the Pacific NW and Northern Rockies with a blocking High-pressure ridge over the region through Sunday.

This will produce some air stagnation issues west of the divide with poor air quality and patchy valley fog.

A new pacific storm will hit the coast by Saturday, and this should strengthen a flow aloft over Montana out of the SW and could help to push temperatures above normal with daytime highs in the low to mid 40s.

The next round of snow to impact travel over Montana will arrive first along the Montana – Idaho state line Sunday evening. Favored upslope conditions could produce moderate snow accumulations over mountain passes like Lookout Pass.

This system will pass through SW Montana by Monday kicking off a cooling trend next week and produce areas of snow Monday into Tuesday.

We should be between systems for a few days by the middle of next week with another shot of snow and cold arriving around Friday February 4th.

Take advantage of the quiet weather this weekend and prepare for a more active pattern next week into the first weekend of February with cold and snow and difficult wintry travel conditions.