

More snow and continued cold through Friday

2nd round of moderate to heavy snow tonight into Thursday

BOZEMAN – More snow will develop over SW Montana tonight into Thursday and current Winter Weather Advisories and Winter Storm Warnings have been extended into Thursday afternoon.


Arctic air continues to dig slowly to the south and a Pacific storm system is slowly moving in from the West. Low-pressure will bring wrap around bands of snow across SW Montana tonight into Thursday producing another round of moderate to heavy snow.


Most of this system will begin to drift eastward by Thursday night but there will be lingering pockets of moisture producing scattered snow showers Friday into Saturday morning.

The pattern will begin to improve over the weekend, but temperatures will remain well below normal through early next week. In fact, as skies clear morning lows this weekend could be around zero or slightly below zero locally.

Next week daytime highs will rise into the upper 30s and eventually reach the mid 40s and this will begin to melt the lower valley snowpack. The problem with that setup is melting during the day and refreezing of wet roadways at night will still produce icy road conditions for morning commutes next week.