

Extreme heat begins Tuesday and could last through next weekend

and last updated

BOZEMAN – We have been predicting a third heatwave for the final days of June for several weeks now and forecast temperatures are on track to reach the mid 90s to lower 100s across Montana Tuesday through Friday.

An incredibly strong High-pressure ridge is sitting over the Pacific NW producing triple digit heat Monday over most of Washington, Oregon and western Idaho. This ridge pattern will slowly drift eastward and will push this extreme heatwave over the Northern Rockies.

Western Montana from Missoula to Kalispell will likely see the brunt of the extreme heat with triple-digit temperatures for several days this week. East of the divide forecast temperatures are expected to reach the mid 90s and there could be some low 100s.


Obviously, with this type of heat we need to take special care during the late afternoon to early evening hours to avoid health related injuries or death. Try and get your work or chores done in the early morning hours and avoid working outdoors in the hottest temperature hours in the late afternoon.

Avoid fishing in the late afternoons water temperatures will be warm and this will cause additional stress on fish for most river systems in SW Montana.

Fire danger will be high to extreme at times with the combination of extreme heat and increasing wind in the afternoon. Avoid lighting fireworks during these times as well.

Everyone needs to use good common sense to avoid health related problems, starting new wildfires, and stressing fisheries. Also please check on the elderly in your community.