

Drought numbers improving in SW Montana


Today's Forecast:
The forecast will be sunny and cool for your afternoon with a light northwest wind between 5-10 mph. With clear skies in place through the evening we can expect lows to fall very quickly to the single digits and teens for the overnight as our winds shift to the southwest overnight.

BOZEMAN: High: 39; Low: 13. Cool sunshine with a light northwest wind between 5-10 mph.

BUTTE: High: 36; Low: 9. A cold morning will leave temperatures chilly for the afternoon as temperatures climb to the middle 30s overnight.

DILLON: High: 34; Low: 8. Calm and cool through the afternoon with overnight temperatures falling to the single digits tonight.

WEST YELLOWSTONE: High: 27; Low: -4. Chilly with sunny skies for the region. Lows will drop below zero tonight with clear skies and a light wind expected.

Drought Conditions.jpg

The latest drought monitor numbers for Montana are in and are encouraging for our overall drought conditions. Severe and extreme drought numbers remain unchanged with 8.20% of the state seeing severe drought conditions with less than 1% experiencing extreme drought. Both of those categories are only seen in extreme southeast Montana. Moderate and abnormally dry conditions both had significant changes with some of the recent snowfall. Abnormally dry dropped from 83% to 65% and Moderate drought dropped from 44% of the state to 38%. While those numbers are encouraging, we desperately need to see more rain and snowfall before we see harsh and cold conditions set into the region for the heart of winter.