Out and About


Out and About: Technology new and old can be discovered at the American Computer and Robotics Museum

MTN explores the different exhibits in the museum for this week's Out and About.
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For this week's Out and About, MTN News is featuring the many interesting and historical pieces at the American Computer and Robotics Museum in Bozeman.

"The opportunity to be involved not just with these original artifacts, but with the amazing personalities of inventors and engineers and thinkers who have helped develop them is really a privilege," says Eleanor Barker, the museum's executive director.

The American Computer and Robotics Museum was founded in 1990 in Bozeman and there are fewer than a dozen like it in the world. Barker says items here come from all over.

"We have gotten the objects that we have on exhibit here from various sources," says Barker. "Some of them are on loan from places like the Smithsonian or the National Cryptologic Museum. Others have been donated to us by other collectors, and others have been purchased."

She says the museum exists to educate people on the different ages of technology. With exhibits that span about 4,000 years of information technology, starting with early writing and the Gutenburg press, all the way through the Apollo space program and quantum computing.

"We hope to lead visitors on a journey from the past all the way to that yet-to-be-imagined future," says Barker.

Barker holds one exhibit close to her heart.

"I am a big fan of the Enigma exhibit. My father fought in World War II, so that topic is very close to me and my family. And plus, it's a thrilling story," says Barker.