

Montana Youth Challenge Academy: Helping young people find direction

Montana Western the only college campus to host this kind of program in the country
and last updated

Helping at-risk youth from across the state on the Montana Western campus - it’s a mission that is succeeding.

Trent Gibson from The Montana Youth Challenge Academy says the programs is military structured and helps young people find direction and develop the skills needed in society. Gibson says there are dozens of programs across the nation, but this is the only one based on a college campus.


He says being able to have some of these young people actually be able earn credits is a powerful and positive tool of MYCA. He also told Montana This morning’s Chet Layman that the program is not punitive and not affiliated with the corrections system.

Gibson noted that cadets cannot be on probation or have felony convictions to be able to participate. Gibson says cadets also become important helpers in the community, which is a positive for Dillon.