HELENA - Govern Steve Bullock announced plans Tuesday in the State Capitol during a news conference in which he hopes will help people going through economic hardship during his stay at home order during the coronavirus outbreak.
The governor ordered that renters will not be evicted from their homes or have utilities cutoff while enduring economic hardship during the stay at home order.
“They shouldn’t have to worry about whether they can keep a roof over their heads, or if they’ll have running water. They shouldn’t worry about having the heat turned off, if they can’t pay the rent or make their monthly utility bill,” said Bullock, D-MT.
The governor will also use the National Guard to monitor people coming into Montana from out of state to try to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
“We’ll also authorize the National Guard to do temperature checks at major airports and major rail stations, they’ll also be screened for potential exposure history for travelers arriving in Montana from another state or country at our airports,” said Bullock.
The governor also addressed his concerns about getting enough supplies and covid-19 tests kits for the state.
“I don’t want a day to go by without being able to perform tests,” he said.