BUTTE - It’s a hop, step, and clap to An Ri Ra’s big return!
"You know we’re kind of wondering if we remember how to do this and remembering how to put on a show," said Kerrie Hall.
Kerrie Hall is the Tiernan Irish Dancers’ instructor teaching preschoolers to high school seniors the art of Irish dancing.

To get to this level of dance, Tiernan Irish Dancers start young learning the basics.
"It takes a lot of practice. You know we have these guys from a young age and so a lot of them starting really young. . .maybe it doesn’t seem as difficult to them because they’ve been doing it for, some of them, most of their lives," said Hall.
The dancers get to Irish step on the An Ri Ra stage once again after a two-year hiatus caused by the ongoing pandemic.
"We’re excited to get our kids back on stage. They work so hard every week and so we’re excited to show everybody what they’ve been working on and progressing on over the last 18 months," said Hall.

Brendan McDonough says that the future may be uncertain, but it’s the right time to start planning An Ri Ra’s return
"We’re very excited to return. It’s been two long years, it’s been depressing not being able to have or host an event in Butte," said McDonough.
Since 2003, An Ri Ra has been an annual celebration of Irish culture which includes music, free beginner language classes, and, of course, Irish dancing.

Hall says her dancers will be prepared to step and turn, hop and heel, on the stage.
"We’re pretty confident between St. Patrick’s day on the 17 and An Ri Ra coming up in August that we’ll be spick and span and ready to go by then," said Hall.
An Ri Ra will be returning on August 12, 13, 14 2022.