BUTTE - The new Veterans Administration healthcare clinic being built in Butte will replace the old one in Anaconda. It’s more than four times larger than the old facility and officials say it will provide better service.

“As a veteran, I’m quite excited to see a facility like this, because it’s brand new, it’s state-of-the-art and it’s centered around my needs as a veteran,” said Matthew Rosine of Veterans Affairs.

The current facility in Anaconda services about 1,700 veterans and the new Butte clinic is expected to serve 1,000 more patients. The new facility also will have more healthcare providers.

“But it’s really tight quarters, but in this new space, we’re not only going to be able enough space for two teams, we’re going to be able to grow and serve more veterans,” said Katie Beall of Veterans Affairs.
The new clinic has been under construction for more than a year and is located off Mount Highland Drive near Interstate 90.
“Here you have a big facility, you have ample parking around it and it’s a beautiful sight, you’re looking at the East Ridge, you know, you’re looking to the right you’re looking at the Highlands, beautiful place,” said Butte veteran Mike Lawson.

The new clinic is strategically designed with three hive areas. In this centralized location, all the healthcare providers will be working and on each side of them are the individual patient rooms, so they can receive convenient and quick service.
“They don’t have to go anywhere, once they’re here, the world revolves around them,” said Rosine.
The VA will host an informational meeting about the move on Feb. 16th at 5:15 in the evening in Anaconda. People can register to attend at the Anaconda VA clinic or watch it live-streaming.
The new clinic is expected to be open by this summer.
New veterans clinic to be built in Butte to replace Anaconda clinic