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Grant money helping Park Street crosswalks get visual design upgrade

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Posted at 5:18 PM, Sep 21, 2023

BUTTE — Butte-Silver Bow is greenlighting a project in which they’re going to stylize crosswalks along a portion of West Park Street so that they’re more visual and easily used by pedestrians.

“We’re really excited about it, it’s really going to be kind of eye-catching, very nice feel I think for our community,” said Butte Community Development Director Karen Byrnes.

The city received a $120,000 grant to put down thermoplastic pavement markings along nine crosswalks along Park Street between Montana and Main streets.

“And it also can just really enhance the experience of the pedestrian as well in wayfinding, being able to find their way, knowing where to cross, where it’s safe to cross,” said Byrnes.

These designs should stand out, which will make crossing at these intersections safer.

“Because it does enhance them, calls them, you are at an intersection, there could be pedestrians in this crosswalk,” said Byrnes.

For Julia Dawson, who sometimes has difficulty getting around, a safe crosswalk is a good thing.

“Very important. Sometimes the drivers are a little wacky, you don’t want to get hit,” said Dawson.

She also likes the idea that the designs will be attractive.

“Butte’s already pretty, let’s make it prettier. Why not?” said Dawson.

Streetscape Solutions out of Utah was awarded the contract to do the crosswalks. The project may not get started until spring when weather conditions improve.