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Butte artists making more bowls for this year's Empty Bowls fundraiser

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BUTTE — Artists at the Hungry Hill Art Center in Butte are going to make over 1,400 bowls for the annual Empty Bowls fundraiser in April—the most bowls they’ve ever made in the 11 years of this great event.

“The reason we’re doing so many is we keep on selling out every year and we feel there’s more people who want to come to the event and support the school district,” said Hungry Hill Art Center Owner Mike Kujawa.

Between now and April, volunteer artists will be throwing many bowls to reach their goal. Artists get a real satisfaction out of making these bowls.

“I love creating things and I love using what I create are the two main things. And clay is just something you can make anything out of, your imagination can run wild and you can have a solid useful form afterward,” said artist Sara Biegel.

These bowls will be glazed and fired in a kiln and then sold at the Empty Bowls event, which raises funds for the Backpack Program that provides food for K through 12 school kids who are food insecure. Children in this program receive enough food to get them through the weekend during the school year.

Artists say it takes a special touch to make a good bowl.

“I would say patience, slow movements, and just practice. You got to keep going,” said Heather Woods.

This program has even brought in beginners who are eager to make a good bowl.

“This is my third attempt to make a bowl … but it takes practice; I mean, it’s definitely an art,” said Toni DiDomenico.

Empty Bowls will be held April 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Butte Civic Center. Tickets can be purchased at the Butte Emergency Food Bank or the Civic Center.