ANACONDA — There’s a very special teacher at Anaconda High School who is recognized for helping some very special students and her name is …
“Mrs. Everett!” shouted student Nate Molina.
Mrs. Everett. Right on!
If you think Montana Everett has lost her passion for teaching special education after 22 years, just ask her what she thinks of her students.
“You’re going to make me cry. I like to tell my students that I believe in them and their dreams and goals that they have for themselves are reachable and I believe that they can do it, and I love them,” said Everett.
The Montana Council for Exceptional Children also believes in Everett and recently honored her as their Teacher of the Year. The award comes as no surprise to those who work with her.

“When you come into Mrs. Everett’s classroom it’s a very welcoming, comforting environment, and that’s what we want our school to be. We want our students here at the school to feel safe, to feel welcome,” said Anaconda High School Principal Eric Swanson.
Everett added, “You know, I really truly love these kids like they’re my own. I wake up every morning and love coming to work.”
She’s able to give her students one-on-one attention, teach them academic as well as life skills. Many of these students have to overcome disabilities and the social anxieties that go with them.
“She makes me more confident in doing things that I feel I can’t do or encouraging me when I feel down on myself,” said student Azlyn Killoy.
Do you like coming to school and her class every day?
“Yes, because I like her. It’s fun. We play games,” said Molina.
Student Cierra Keenan added, “She’s very thoughtful and kind and when I’m sad, she’s very caring.”
And her student Eligh Porter has some big news.
“I am going to graduate on May 31!” said Porter.
Everett said, “I like to tell the world that my students are coming. Be looking for them out in the real world to make a difference in your life.”
The sky’s the limit.