

Helena man facing assault charge for alleged stabbing


HELENA – Tony Estrada appeared in Lewis & Clark County Justice Court on Wednesday on a felony charge of assault with a weapon in connection with a stabbing on Tuesday.

Estrada, 34 years old, had appeared Tuesday on other charges related to the incident, including felony DUI, and fleeing a peace officer and obstructing a peace officer.

Justice of the Peace Mike Swingley set Estrada’s bail at $40,000 on Tuesday, and he maintained that amount on Wednesday.

(WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20) Helena Police say 34-year-old Tony Estrada was arrested Tuesday morning following a stabbing.

According to police, officers responded to the 800 block of Cooke for a report that man had been stabbed around 12:30 a.m.

Lt. Jayson Zander says in a release that the suspect, Tony Estrada, was located and Estrada tried to flee, but was captured.

Police arrested Estrada for felony Assault with a Weapon, felony DUI (4th), Fleeing and Eluding a Peace Officer, Obstruction, and operating a motor vehicle with expired registration and no insurance.

The victim was transported by ambulance to St. Peter’s Health for treatment.  We do not have an update on his condition at this time.

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